BLOG: Spring- March, April, May 2019
29 May 2019 - Art bar Bristol talk by Anita Taylor
The talk given by Anita Taylor on her work, practice and latest projects focussed on drawing and the imperative of drawing as a means of informing all work "For me, to be thinking through making is the most critical thing, and I still value that even in education management, thinking through the ‘act of doing’. I believe that ‘thinking through making’ is absolutely critical in terms of being able to problem solve, to deal with the unexpected and unanticipated; to taking calculated risk within a very clear framework. Also, to be creatively engaged in a cultural community, and an art and design community of makers"
All very inspiring, thank you Art bar Bristol
5 May 2015 - Henri Bergson
I've been trying to get my head around Herni Bergsons book : Matter and Memory.
I feel that its important to my work but I cant get beyond 'an object is entirely different from that which is perceived in it, it has neither the colour ascribed to it by the eye, nor the resistance found in it by the hand. The colour, the resistance, are a state of mind'
Anyone care to help ? send me a message.
2 may 2019 - Private view
My private view was last night and went really well: Thanks to all who came and made the evening such a pleasure
and thanks to Stretto Architects who made their studio available as the venue,(The Research Studio, Arnolfini Gallery, Bristol)
Based on the Themes ' Searching for meaning and a sense of place ' and ' Narrative and Memory' and using my experiences of Berlin while the wall was still in place, there were a few sales and a few loans to check whether they work in a particular setting. Click any image to see the show catalogue.
28th April 2019 : Royal West of England Academy : Annual Open Sculpture exhibition
The show currently showing at the RWA is well work a visit .
Although first impressions of the show are intimidating, with almost too many works to be taken in, there are many worth a closer look.
My personal favourites were: On longing by Lesley Hilling,Nest by Bea Haines and Echo by Paul Aston
15 April 2019 : Bristol open studios
It was a great weekend for seeing art close up with BV studios, The Works and TAPS/Kosar holding open days and when finished with a visit to Spike Island to see Sriwhana Spong’s work i was left exhausted and inspired.
My personal highlights were Poppy Boys-Stone feminist sculpture in TAPS where I left overjoyed at the enthusiasm, directness and lack of cynicism of her work, the exhibition space in The Works that held delicate movement powered sculptures, a looped film and an array of musical instruments and finally Sriwhana Spong’s work in Spike Island which just mastered the space it was in.
2 April 2019 : Amsterdam
I went Amsterdam yesterday essentially to see the 'Hockney - Van Gogh. The Joy of Nature exhibition' and came back exhilarated, enthused, exhausted and a just bit disappointed.
I love Amsterdam, it is a city with a human scale and once you get away from the Irish Bars and the all pervasive smell of weed in the centre, is a delight to walk around and lose oneself among the architecture, galleries and cafes. The Van Gogh Museum was fantastic with so many immediately recognisable paintings, (It really is best to visit with an idea of what you want to see ), all followed by a lovely lunch in Brasserie Bleu on Prinsenstraat: It was a really good day.
So, the disappointing bit : The Hockney exhibition was in the Van Gogh Museum and while Hockney's paintings look stunning on entry, the feeling of excitement generated by the joy at the colours used and sheer bravura of the work only lasted until I stood close and studied the paint.(or, in the case of his iPad work, the i'marks made). At this point the paintings become abstract and while you can lose yourself in the paint for a while I started to wonder about their imprecision and lack of care.
The point of the exhibition was to show Hockeys work and to identify the influence that Van Gogh had on the works shown and while this is a pointless exercise(its like saying that breathing makes you a better person ) I was immediately aware of the care and precision of paint placement by Van Gogh; he understood that unless his work could be inspected close up to show the craft of painting, that his marks were intentional, he would not be taken seriously.
Hockney hasn't had to address this: the proliferation of web images, posters and coffee table books of his work hides that fact that he is standing on the shoulder of genius and it seems to me that while he is enjoying the act of painting and making beautiful and memorable images, he seems to be slopping his brush around.
There is no doubt that the works in this exhibition are beautiful and I appreciate that Hockney has thought deeply, is successful in the many forms his art has developed and has created many original insights but I have always felt that his work was intentional. With these works it looks like Hockney is content to make images and is not that bothered about the paint.
I have always believed that unless you are challenging yourself you're not really trying hard enough; The work in this exhibition shows Hockney clearing enjoying himself but I wondered at whose expense. I left just a bit disappointed.
More felled Logs at Woodgate : 2008
1 April 2019 : Catalogues
The catalogues for my show in May have turned up and look good among the usual studio mess.
They are available on ISSUU . Just click the image.
21 March 2019 : Bristol Galleries
Had a great day walking around galleries in Bristol and saw this beautiful print by Tracey Emin in the Hidden Gallery in the Clifton Arcade. It really reinforces the need to stand in front of art rather than just view it online.
'When I think about sex.. ' by Tracey emin. There are a number of ways she completes the title. I love it.
18 March 2019: Hockney Exhibition
Just booked tickets for the Hockney Show at the VanGogh Museum and i'm looking forward to a great day in Amsterdam, I just need to find a place for a decent lunch.
The last time I was in Amsterdam I ate in Het Lieve on Herengracht but its since closed. Any ideas?
24.3.19 Thanks to Bill and Michele for their insider knowledge!
15 March 2019: Solo Show
I'm planning a solo show of some of my latest paintings for May 1st 2019
Its going to be in Stretto/Architects design studio in the Arnolfini Gallery in Bristol.
DM me for an invite. ronnie.rennoldson@gmail.com